Monday, December 8, 2008

I got an early present

a lovely gift from my uncle chopper. It's always wonderful to see a master at work, and today I witnessed it. watching him work photoshop is like watching a gorilla eat clam chowder.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Teddy Roosevelt. I was trying to exaggerate, but this actually isn't that far off from what he was really like. more historical presidential drawings to come.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


drew this for a forum art contest thing. Kakihara cuts his tongue off, as payment for pouring tempura on the back of another yakuza. from a movie called "Ichi the Killer."

Friday, October 10, 2008


If you see him on the street just ignore him and keep walking. you don't wanna fuck with that shit.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Gonz

felt tip pens, 2007? from transworld's 20th or so anniversary cover.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Nothing Fancy

just bruce lee eating a baby.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

some ol' dirty shit

This was for a graphic design project at butte college. I think it was graphic design 1, but anyway the assignment was to design the cover for a magazine. I made a few little tweaks to it the other day, but it's actually from about 2 years ago. on the right is, obviously, baby jesus. on the left it was supposed to be God, but I'm not sure that came out too clear. I used a random google baby for jesus, and God is Atiba's father.

this was done for some photoshop competetion ladder type deal. the winner got some shit. I wouldn't know because I got taken out in the first round by this other mexican.

he hasn't bothered to post what he beat me with up on his deviant art though.

just messing around here. jason lee and chris pastras are both awesome, so combining them both I thought would yield supernatural results. this is what I got. stereo

rented stranglehold the other day. beat it, it was fun, I'll probably never play it again (well, maybe a little, since I have the demo.) it was a fun romp, and fucking tequila is one badass chinaman. I love chow yun fat.

me: "Tequila sure likes to solve a lot of things with bullets."
jumper cables: "Tequila solves EVERYTHING with bullets!"

Saturday, July 26, 2008


another terrifying project I forgot to post.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

end of semester results

here's some shit I did in my typography class this semester

this was a shirt idea I had, but I couldn't really think of a good design to accompany it.

for a project where we had to make something using only one letter

typographer profile. came up with this in a few hours after deciding to change from david carson. originally I had done david ray carson, but then changed to carlos segura when I was informed that it had to be a "famous" typographer.

I was under the impression that we had to take a quote and design it into our typographer profile. apparently this was actually another project entirely. so I whipped this up in...I can't remember how long, but it wasn't more than an hour or two probably.

another shirt design I made. I was kinda happy this one (I stole the shribblydoos from some free vector designs my instructor had lying around for us to use) but, of course when I tried to print the printer decided to shit itself to death. so I put it on a mug instead, and I'm gonna give it to this guy:

Thursday, May 15, 2008

photoshoped drawing

I could have sworn I posted this earlier...appaerently I didn't though. scanned in drawing (i copied it from the cowboy bebop vol. 1 dvd cover), then messed with a bit in photoshop

Friday, March 7, 2008

david carson

i had to write about a typographer in my typography class. I chose david carson. if this were elementary school, I think the marks would have been "less than satisfactory"

David Carson is an old white guy who graduated from san diego state university with “honors and distinction”, way back when. When he was young he was a proffesional surfer, and used to be ranked ninth in the world, whatever that means. Nowadays he runs a design company, and walks da erf like kane, from kung fu, learning whoever wants to learn at his lectures. He’s also directed a few commercials and short films and is considered “the most famous graphic designer on the planet” by creative review magazine (at least in 2004). He also fought off a gang of ninjas once, and received the nobel peace prize for protecting a kitten from a roaming gang of zebras, lower east compton.

I thought it was fine, nice and creative A++ smiley stamp

Monday, February 4, 2008


Old snake done with some charcoals I got for that holiday a few weeks ago。

yes, I did write the hiragana and no, I don't know what it means。


Sunday, January 27, 2008

Thursday, January 24, 2008


max schaaf gettin' stupid dumb out in the land of the rising sun
i gave this picture to him at a signing for 'the skatebook' at 510, it's a pretty gnarly book.