Sunday, May 25, 2008

end of semester results

here's some shit I did in my typography class this semester

this was a shirt idea I had, but I couldn't really think of a good design to accompany it.

for a project where we had to make something using only one letter

typographer profile. came up with this in a few hours after deciding to change from david carson. originally I had done david ray carson, but then changed to carlos segura when I was informed that it had to be a "famous" typographer.

I was under the impression that we had to take a quote and design it into our typographer profile. apparently this was actually another project entirely. so I whipped this up in...I can't remember how long, but it wasn't more than an hour or two probably.

another shirt design I made. I was kinda happy this one (I stole the shribblydoos from some free vector designs my instructor had lying around for us to use) but, of course when I tried to print the printer decided to shit itself to death. so I put it on a mug instead, and I'm gonna give it to this guy:

Thursday, May 15, 2008

photoshoped drawing

I could have sworn I posted this earlier...appaerently I didn't though. scanned in drawing (i copied it from the cowboy bebop vol. 1 dvd cover), then messed with a bit in photoshop